Remembering Ngamia Moja

To know Harry was like to walk in daylight.

Easily taken for granted yet regularly appreciated momentarily. As a fountain of knowledge, he lit up the minds of many. Whether you wanted to understand the concept or just needed the information he would patiently explain, advise or direct you to whatever end you wanted. Patiently. Like daylight allowing you to go about your day to reach your desired destination.

So many people reached out to him yet you never felt like he was too busy to talk to you. You’d only realize it when they mentioned Harry told them. Daylight.

He spoke softly and slowly… Sometimes too slowly for us in a rush to get as much information as we could. Sometimes too in-depth for those of us who wanted a quick fix. He went at his pace and you learned to conform. Daylight.

He was kind. Gave the best of himself freely. In time, knowledge laughter, and even parts that he had and one needed. To be around him, you benefited intellectually, emotionally, and materially. What use is a lamp if it’s hidden? Daylight.

Like all good days, sunset follows, and when it does you reflect on the day you had, and the memories you created during the day are etched in your mind to be recalled with nostalgia sometime in the future.

Harry was a good day.

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